Thanks for joining the visiting Creative Artists Think Tank! I’m Laura and I am the owner/operator of CATT Center. I created the CATT Center as a way for visual and performing artists around the world to collaborate and support one another. Think of it as the biggest production meeting you’ve ever been to. The idea for this community grew out of my own production meetings for theatrical shows I have directed. We can all use a little inspiration, so why not help each other out?
On most other social media, you have to navigate among really crowded pages and try to find dozens of different groups that focus on one or another aspect of the arts. I tried to put all the creative arts together and provide a really clean looking website and forum for you to explore.
So if you tool around the website and like what you see, I hope you become a member so you can visit the forum and experience a different type of social media. There's no cost. I do this as a service to the arts community. I'd really like to hear from all members, so please contribute to the discussion.
Here's the link for the CATT Center Forum. If you're not already a member, it will prompt you to join. Like I said, this is just my contribution to the arts world, so there is no membership fee and no scamming. I won't send you endless emails or sell your information to anyone.
I also write the blog posts and other articles for the site. It's just me, but I'd love to have some help with adding content. So if there is something you'd like to contribute and be part of a group collaboration, please contact me through the chat function or the Connect with Us form on the About Page.
If you become a member, you can also comment on the forum post that is associated with this blog post.
CATT Center is a free social media format designed specifically for creative artists to collaborate and share knowledge for the benefit of the arts in all of our communities.